Monday, December 16, 2013

A entire year of travel

Travel travel... that's what I have been doing for the past year. Eurpoe... france switzerland germany... Iit was spell bounding memory... I have lot to write about it.. it will take me months to write.. Iam just creating this page for a day in 2013 that I wrote a blog... lot to come... lets go....

Year after year! A new human in me..

Normally we as a human being normally see the world in one perspective, binded by their culture, guidelines of elders and so on of the everyday nature.

There is another way of seeing it. People call it the extroverted look, the paradoxical shift in nature where I see something beautiful and could immediately acknowledge it.

Pushing the Boundaries: From Nanoscale to Interstellar

In the ever-evolving realm of human ingenuity, we stand at the precipice of shattering barriers that once seemed insurmountable. From the in...