Friday, February 4, 2011

Seers,Monks and Sages

The wise men on those times, one`s that were around 1000s of years ago who lived in temple`s have got to be a moving asset of wisdom from place to place..
Right from the people who taught the teaching of Holy books to the Wisdom of Buddha.

similarly Search Engine and internet has accumulated in our everyday living to become the decider. Who knows maybe 1000 years from now they too will have Digital Temples.Google, Yahoo, Whatever....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Knowledge through Stranger!

The thing about everyone is, they all possess a great amount of Data locked up inside their varying interests..
I happen to sit next to a person with a book, i ask him whats it about, he replies and keeps himself occupied on it again.
I learned that it is about a subject that I never heard of, and as soon as i get home, i myself find it fascinating to read( Because of internet and Ebooks)

but they are only showing it out or opening it only on intuition or by constant Bothering conversation by their friends.. only after that you realize that you are not the biggest mind.. there is someone much more articulate in that subject than you...Existence through Shared knowledge makes us Human..

Pushing the Boundaries: From Nanoscale to Interstellar

In the ever-evolving realm of human ingenuity, we stand at the precipice of shattering barriers that once seemed insurmountable. From the in...