Saturday, September 11, 2010

Now and the New..

In the past few months as a mark of new experience that i gathered on in the field, i am getting to see what might have been the real need for some one to show courtesy in the presence of a person on the outbreak of a quarrel.
consider that you are in a position in between a friend you knew too well and the other who you just met recently. they both get in to a quarrel for the reason that you might be partially or deliberately concerned and the outcome is that you are to occupy the seat in between them and that becomes so difficult that either of them don`t know that you are THE friend they are arguing about and you are not in the scene of quarrel until its been started earlier than your arrival and both of them don`t know that you are the common friend to them maybe for the reason of either one thinking that they are too loyal to a friend,who is yet to arrive.
Enough of this nonsense, it foolish to live with pride and ego over someone, thinking that you are hierarchically above him.... maybe in age, experience or with number of friends.
finally its the one in the middle who has to intervene between them to stop the damn quarrel and that my friend is the most difficult part to do.

Pushing the Boundaries: From Nanoscale to Interstellar

In the ever-evolving realm of human ingenuity, we stand at the precipice of shattering barriers that once seemed insurmountable. From the in...