Monday, March 19, 2012

Lot has few months

I was a lonely and curious guy who didn`t have much exposure to what people do in work place or industry. having stepped in to it. i feel like i blend in naturally, all i need to do is do one thing sincerely. keep bugging people with question. knowing one thing is fact, knowing a lot is knowledge and sharing it with more becomes a memory.
i was curiously left to learn everything myself. i went around bothered each and everyone i met.. made several intriguing questions, earned the title that " the boy who never rests or sits down"
ultimately i was given the freedom to ask. but one thing changed altogether. the one who helped me, moved along.. i was thrown in to the place where it was nothing but find out yourself situation.. and fortunately another thing was slowly budding up.. my eager and urge to move on too... i am in the process of it.. going to in few days....

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