Friday, December 30, 2011

Happier moment still....

Words mean little to what i have experienced in past 6 months... I met a lot of people in short time...
people with much bigger, wiser and stronger minds...
learn that curiosity comes when you are showing interest and people tend to teach you new things when you say YES to opportunity
always my next word will be YES YES YES...
yes, i wanted to be an engineer
yes, i wanted to teach people about life
yes, i wanted life to unravel mystery
yes, i wanted to travel and reveal all the moments in life around the world in many centuries of lives that have passed before me...
thanks for all the people i have interacted.. Money did come in my way.. today... life has taught me... it flows in as a idea and knowledge.. this is my words in 2011... an IDEA is going to change my life... YES....

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