Monday, October 9, 2023

List of things to read


Technical TermWikipedia Search Query
Architecture and Design PatternsSoftware Design Pattern
Cloud ComputingCloud Computing
DevOps and DevSecOpsDevOps, DevSecOps
Programming Languages and FrameworksProgramming Languages, Software Framework
Database and Data StorageDatabase, Data Storage
Security and Identity ManagementComputer Security, Identity Management
NetworkingComputer Network
Software Development Tools and PracticesSoftware Development, Agile Software Development
APIs and IntegrationApplication Programming Interface (API), ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)
Container OrchestrationContainer Orchestration
Infrastructure and DeploymentInfrastructure as Code (IaC), Serverless Computing
Monitoring and LoggingApplication Performance Management, Log Management
Data Storage and ProcessingData Storage, Big Data
Machine Learning and AIMachine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
Operating SystemsOperating System
Container SecurityContainer Security
Microservices CommunicationMicroservices
Enterprise Architecture FrameworksEnterprise Architecture, TOGAF
Documentation and DiagrammingUnified Modeling Language (UML)
Compliance and RegulationsGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), HIPAA, PCI DSS
Collaboration and Communication ToolsCollaborative Software
Risk Management and MitigationRisk Management
IoT ArchitectureInternet of Things (IoT)
Blockchain TechnologyBlockchain

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