Thursday, September 21, 2023

Idea 2: Emotional tracking and rewarding system using EEG wearable


Emotional tracking for customer response and performance metrics of call centre employees wearing head band headset. I have been to call centre of XXXX Retail Finance at Madurai and Chennai. They have a call centre employed with 500 callers who have to constantly jostle between each bike and car insurance defaulter and they are often mistreated and ill treated by the responding loaning people. The language they use are very harsh and sometimes the people quit their job in few days and if they survive the first few weeks they get huge incentives for accounts like 20,000 rupees and 50,000 rupees reward.

Idea: Develop an emotional tracking system that utilizes wearable headsets to monitor call centre employees' emotional well-being during customer interactions. This system aims to improve employee retention, performance, and overall job satisfaction.

Problem Statement: Call centre employees often face challenging and emotionally taxing interactions with customers, leading to high turnover rates and emotional stress. Lack of real-time emotional tracking makes it difficult to address employee well-being and enhance their performance.

Solution: Create a wearable headset solution that employs EEG technology to monitor call centre employees' emotional responses during interactions. The system provides real-time feedback and actionable insights for better management and employee support.

Business Process Canvas:

  1. Requirement Analysis:

    • Collaborate with call centre management to understand the challenges faced by employees.
    • Identify key emotional indicators that need to be tracked for employee well-being.
  2. Headset Development:

    • Design and develop wearable headsets equipped with EEG sensors to track brainwave patterns.
    • Ensure comfort and ease of use to enable prolonged wear during work hours.
  3. Data Collection and Interpretation:

    • Collect EEG data during call centre interactions to detect emotional patterns.
    • Develop algorithms to interpret brainwave data into emotional responses (e.g., stress, frustration, calmness).
  4. Real-time Feedback:

    • Implement a real-time feedback mechanism that provides visual or audio cues to employees about their emotional state during calls.
    • Ensure that the feedback is non-disruptive to their workflow.
  5. Performance Analysis:

    • Analyze the emotional data alongside call performance metrics (e.g., call duration, customer satisfaction).
    • Identify correlations between emotional states and performance outcomes.
  6. Management Dashboard:

    • Create a dashboard for call centre managers to monitor the emotional well-being of employees in real time.
    • Provide insights that help managers address critical emotional situations promptly.
  7. Employee Support:

    • Develop training and support programs to help employees manage emotional stress during challenging interactions.
    • Offer resources for coping with stress and maintaining emotional balance.
  8. Incentive Structure:

    • Collaborate with call centre management to redesign the incentive structure based on both performance and emotional well-being.
    • Reward employees for maintaining positive emotional states during interactions.
  9. Privacy and Data Security:

    • Implement strong data protection measures to ensure the privacy and security of employee EEG data.
    • Adhere to data protection regulations and ethical guidelines.
  10. Feedback Loop:

    • Regularly gather feedback from employees about the effectiveness of the emotional tracking system.
    • Iterate and improve the system based on user feedback and evolving needs.
  11. Employee Engagement:

    • Conduct workshops and sessions to educate employees about the benefits of emotional tracking and self-awareness.
    • Promote a culture of emotional well-being and open communication.
  12. Performance Impact Measurement:

    • Monitor employee retention rates, job satisfaction, and overall performance improvements as a result of the emotional tracking initiative.

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